Source code for

App configuration

from flask import Flask
from flask.sessions import SecureCookieSessionInterface
import itsdangerous

from . import logger
from .auth import current_auth
from .views import current_view

__all__ = [

_additional_config = {
    'dev': '',
    'development': '',
    'test': '',
    'testing': '',
    'prod': '',
    'production': '',

[docs]class KeyRotationWrapper: """ Wrapper to support multiple secret keys in itsdangerous. The first secret key is used for all operations, but if it causes a BadSignature exception, the other secret keys are tried in order. :param cls: Signing class from itsdangerous (eg: URLSafeTimedSerializer) :param secret_keys: List of secret keys :param kwargs: Arguments to pass to each signer/serializer """ def __init__(self, cls, secret_keys, **kwargs): if isinstance(secret_keys, str): raise ValueError("Secret keys must be a list") self._engines = [cls(key, **kwargs) for key in secret_keys] def __getattr__(self, attr): item = getattr(self._engines[0], attr) return self._make_wrapper(attr) if callable(item) else item def _make_wrapper(self, attr): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): last = len(self._engines) - 1 for counter, engine in enumerate(self._engines): try: return getattr(engine, attr)(*args, **kwargs) except itsdangerous.exc.BadSignature: if counter == last: # We've run out of engines. Raise error to caller raise return wrapper
[docs]class RotatingKeySecureCookieSessionInterface(SecureCookieSessionInterface): """Replaces the serializer with key rotation support""" def get_signing_serializer(self, app): if not app.config.get('SECRET_KEYS'): return None signer_kwargs = { 'key_derivation': self.key_derivation, 'digest_method': self.digest_method, } return KeyRotationWrapper( itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer, app.config['SECRET_KEYS'], salt=self.salt, serializer=self.serializer, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs, )
[docs]def init_app(app, init_logging=True): """ Configure an app depending on the environment. Loads settings from a file named ```` in the instance folder, followed by additional settings from one of ````, ```` or ````. Typical usage:: from flask import Flask import app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) # Guess environment automatically :func:`init_app` also configures logging by calling :func:`coaster.logger.init_app`. :param app: App to be configured :param bool init_logging: Call `coaster.logger.init_app` (default `True`) """ # Make current_auth available to app templates app.jinja_env.globals['current_auth'] = current_auth # Make the current view available to app templates app.jinja_env.globals['current_view'] = current_view # Disable Flask-SQLAlchemy events. # Apps that want it can turn it back on in their config app.config.setdefault('SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS', False) # Load config from the app's load_config_from_file(app, '') # Load additional settings from the app's environment-specific config file: # Flask sets ``ENV`` configuration variable based on ``FLASK_ENV`` environment # variable. So we can directly get it from ``app.config['ENV']``. # Lowercase because that's how flask defines it. # ref: additional = _additional_config.get(app.config['ENV'].lower()) if additional: load_config_from_file(app, additional) if init_logging: logger.init_app(app)
def load_config_from_file(app, filepath): """Helper function to load config from a specified file""" try: app.config.from_pyfile(filepath) return True except IOError: app.logger.warning( "Did not find settings file %s for additional settings, skipping it", filepath, ) return False