Source code for coaster.logger


Coaster can help your application log errors at run-time. Initialize with
:func:`coaster.logger.init_app`. If you use :func:``,
this is done automatically for you.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from html import escape
from io import StringIO
from pprint import pprint
from threading import Lock
from typing import Any, Dict
import logging
import logging.handlers
import re
import textwrap
import traceback

from flask import g, request, session
from flask.config import Config

import requests

from .auth import current_auth

# Global variable to ensure log handlers are registered only once per process
logging_configured = False

# Regex for credit card numbers
_card_re = re.compile(r'\b(?:\d[ -]*?){13,16}\b')

# These keywords are borrowed from Sentry's documentation and expanded for PII
_filter_re = re.compile(

# global var as lazy in-memory cache
error_throttle_timestamp_slack: Dict[str, datetime] = {}
error_throttle_timestamp_telegram: Dict[str, datetime] = {}

[docs]class FilteredValueIndicator: """Represent a filtered value.""" def __str__(self): """Filter str.""" return '[Filtered]' def __repr__(self): """Filter repr.""" return '[Filtered]'
# Construct a singleton filtered_value_indicator = FilteredValueIndicator()
[docs]class RepeatValueIndicator: """Represent a repeating value.""" def __init__(self, key): """Init with key.""" self.key = key def __repr__(self): """Return representation.""" return '<same as prior "%s">' % self.key __str__ = __repr__
[docs]def filtered_value(key, value): """Find and mask sensitive values based on key names.""" if isinstance(key, str) and return filtered_value_indicator if isinstance(value, str): return _card_re.sub('[Filtered]', value) return value
[docs]def pprint_with_indent(dictlike, outfile, indent=4): """Filter values and pprint with indent to create a Markdown code block.""" out = StringIO() pprint( # NOQA: T003 {key: filtered_value(key, value) for key, value in dictlike.items()}, out ) outfile.write(textwrap.indent(out.getvalue(), ' ' * indent)) out.close()
[docs]class LocalVarFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Log the contents of local variables in the stack frame.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init formatter.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lock = Lock()
[docs] def format(self, record): # NOQA: A003 """ Format the specified record as text. Overrides :meth:`logging.Formatter.format` to remove cache of :attr:`record.exc_text` unless it was produced by this formatter. """ if ( record.exc_info and record.exc_text and "Stack frames (most recent call first)" not in record.exc_text ): record.exc_text = None return super().format(record)
[docs] def formatException(self, ei) -> str: # NOQA: N802 """Render a stack trace with local variables in each stack frame.""" tb = ei[2] while True: if not tb.tb_next: break tb = tb.tb_next stack = [] f = tb.tb_frame while f: stack.append(f) f = f.f_back sio = StringIO() traceback.print_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2], None, sio) with self.lock: # Monkey-patch Flask Config's __repr__ to not dump sensitive config. This # can happen when a Jinja2 template is part of the stack, as templates get # app config. We perform this patch and dump within a lock to ensure no # conflict with a parallel stack dump -- which could otherwise restore the # original __repr__ while this is still dumping. original_config_repr = Config.__repr__ Config.__repr__ = lambda self: '<Config [FILTERED]>' # type: ignore[assignment] value_cache: Dict[Any, str] = {} print('\n----------\n', file=sio) # NOQA: T001 # XXX: The following text is used as a signature in :meth:`format` above print("Stack frames (most recent call first):", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 for frame in stack: print('\n----\n', file=sio) # NOQA: T001 print( # NOQA: T001 "Frame %s in %s at line %s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno), file=sio, ) for attr, value in list(frame.f_locals.items()): idvalue = id(value) if idvalue in value_cache: value = RepeatValueIndicator(value_cache[idvalue]) else: value_cache[idvalue] = "%s.%s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, attr) print("\t%20s = " % attr, end=' ', file=sio) # NOQA: T001 try: print(repr(filtered_value(attr, value)), file=sio) # NOQA: T001 except: # NOQA # We need a bare except clause because this is the exception # handler. It can't have exceptions of its own. print("<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE>", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 del value_cache Config.__repr__ = original_config_repr # type: ignore[assignment] if request: print('\n----------\n', file=sio) # NOQA: T001 print("Request context:", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 request_data = { 'form': { k: filtered_value(k, v) for k, v in request.form.to_dict(flat=False).items() }, 'args': { k: filtered_value(k, v) for k, v in request.args.to_dict(flat=False).items() }, 'headers': request.headers, 'environ': request.environ, 'method': request.method, 'blueprint': request.blueprint, 'endpoint': request.endpoint, 'view_args': request.view_args, } try: pprint_with_indent(request_data, sio) except: # NOQA print("<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE>", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 if session: print('\n----------\n', file=sio) # NOQA: T001 print("Session cookie contents:", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 try: pprint_with_indent(session, sio) except: # NOQA print("<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE>", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 if g: print('\n----------\n', file=sio) # NOQA: T001 print("App context:", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 try: pprint_with_indent(vars(g), sio) except: # NOQA print("<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE>", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 if current_auth: print('\n----------\n', file=sio) # NOQA: T001 print("Current auth:", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 try: pprint_with_indent(vars(current_auth), sio) except: # NOQA print("<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE>", file=sio) # NOQA: T001 s = sio.getvalue() sio.close() if s[-1:] == '\n': s = s[:-1] return s
[docs]class SlackHandler(logging.Handler): """Custom logging handler to post error reports to Slack.""" def __init__(self, app_name, webhooks): """Init handler.""" super().__init__() self.app_name = app_name self.webhooks = webhooks
[docs] def emit(self, record): """Emit an event.""" throttle_key = (record.module, record.lineno) if throttle_key not in error_throttle_timestamp_slack or ( (datetime.utcnow() - error_throttle_timestamp_slack[throttle_key]) > timedelta(minutes=5) ): # Sanity check: # If we're not going to be reporting this, don't bother to format payload if record.levelname not in [ lname for webhook in self.webhooks for lname in webhook.get('levelnames', []) ]: return if record.exc_text: double_split = [ s.split('----') for s in record.exc_text.split('----------') ] flat_list = [item for sublist in double_split for item in sublist] # Separate out the first line of each section. It'll be used as the # "pretext" while the rest will be used as a "text" attachment. sections = [s.strip().split('\n', 1) for s in flat_list] else: sections = [] data = { 'text': "*{levelname}* in {name}: {message}: `{info}`".format( levelname=record.levelname, name=self.app_name, message=record.message, info=repr(record.exc_info[1]) if record.exc_info else '', ), 'attachments': [ { 'mrkdwn_in': ['text'], 'fallback': section[0], 'pretext': section[0], 'text': ('```\n' + section[1] + '\n```') if len(section) > 1 else '', } for section in sections ], } for webhook in self.webhooks: if record.levelname not in webhook.get('levelnames', []): continue payload = dict(data) for attr in ('channel', 'username', 'icon_emoji'): if attr in webhook: payload[attr] = webhook[attr] try: webhook['url'], json=payload, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, ) except: # NOQA # nosec # We need a bare except clause because this is the exception # handler. It can't have exceptions of its own. pass error_throttle_timestamp_slack[throttle_key] = datetime.utcnow()
[docs]class TelegramHandler(logging.Handler): """Custom logging handler to report errors to a Telegram chat.""" def __init__(self, app_name, chatid, apikey): """Init handler.""" super().__init__() self.app_name = app_name self.chatid = chatid self.apikey = apikey
[docs] def emit(self, record): """Emit an event.""" throttle_key = (record.module, record.lineno) if throttle_key not in error_throttle_timestamp_telegram or ( (datetime.utcnow() - error_throttle_timestamp_telegram[throttle_key]) > timedelta(minutes=5) ): text = '<b>{levelname}</b> in <b>{name}</b>: {message}'.format( levelname=escape(record.levelname, False), name=escape(self.app_name, False), message=escape(record.message, False), ) if record.exc_info: # Reverse the traceback, after dropping the first line with # "Traceback (most recent call first)". traceback_lines = traceback.format_exception(*record.exc_info)[1:][::-1] for index, stack_frame in enumerate(traceback_lines): stack_frame_lines = stack_frame.split('\n', 1) traceback_lines[index] = ( '\n'.join( [escape(stack_frame_lines[0].strip(), False)] + [ '<pre>' + escape(_l.strip(), False) + '</pre>' for _l in stack_frame_lines[1:] if _l ] ) + '\n' ) text += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(traceback_lines) if len(text) > 4096: text = text[: 4096 - 7] # 7 = len('</pre>…') if text.count('<pre>') > text.count('</pre>'): text += '</pre>' text += '…' '{apikey}/sendMessage'.format( apikey=self.apikey ), data={ 'chat_id': self.chatid, 'parse_mode': 'html', 'text': text, 'disable_preview': True, }, ) error_throttle_timestamp_telegram[throttle_key] = datetime.utcnow()
[docs]def init_app(app): """ Enable logging for an app using :class:`LocalVarFormatter`. Requires the app to be configured and checks for the following configuration parameters. All are optional: * ``LOGFILE``: Name of the file to log to (default ``error.log``) * ``LOGFILE_LEVEL``: Logging level to use for file logger (default `WARNING`) * ``ADMINS``: List of email addresses of admins who will be mailed error reports * ``MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER``: From address of email. Can be an address or a tuple with name and address * ``MAIL_SERVER``: SMTP server to send with (default ``localhost``) * ``MAIL_USERNAME`` and ``MAIL_PASSWORD``: SMTP credentials, if required * ``SLACK_LOGGING_WEBHOOKS``: If present, will send error logs to all specified Slack webhooks * ``TELEGRAM_ERROR_CHATID`` and ``TELEGRAM_ERROR_APIKEY``: If present, will use the specified API key to post a message to the specified chat Format for ``SLACK_LOGGING_WEBHOOKS``:: SLACK_LOGGING_WEBHOOKS = [{ 'levelnames': ['WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], 'url': '' }] """ global logging_configured if logging_configured: app.logger.warning("Logging already configured, ignoring repeat call") return logging_configured = True root = logging.getLogger() formatter = LocalVarFormatter( '%(asctime)s - %(module)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) error_log_file = app.config.get('LOGFILE', 'error.log') if error_log_file: # Specify a falsy value in config to disable the log file file_handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( error_log_file, when=app.config.get('LOGFILE_WHEN', 'midnight'), backupCount=app.config.get('LOGFILE_BACKUPCOUNT', 0), ) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) file_handler.setLevel(app.config.get('LOGFILE_LEVEL', logging.WARNING)) root.addHandler(file_handler) if app.config.get('SLACK_LOGGING_WEBHOOKS'): logging.handlers.SlackHandler = SlackHandler slack_handler = logging.handlers.SlackHandler( app_name=app.config.get('SITE_ID') or, webhooks=app.config['SLACK_LOGGING_WEBHOOKS'], ) slack_handler.setFormatter(formatter) slack_handler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) root.addHandler(slack_handler) if app.config.get('TELEGRAM_ERROR_CHATID') and app.config.get( 'TELEGRAM_ERROR_APIKEY' ): logging.handlers.TelegramHandler = TelegramHandler telegram_handler = logging.handlers.TelegramHandler( app_name=app.config.get('SITE_ID') or, chatid=app.config['TELEGRAM_ERROR_CHATID'], apikey=app.config['TELEGRAM_ERROR_APIKEY'], ) telegram_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) root.addHandler(telegram_handler) if app.config.get('ADMINS'): mail_sender = app.config.get('MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER', '') if isinstance(mail_sender, (list, tuple)): mail_sender = mail_sender[1] # Get email from (name, email) if app.config.get('MAIL_USERNAME') and app.config.get('MAIL_PASSWORD'): credentials = (app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']) else: credentials = None mail_handler = logging.handlers.SMTPHandler( app.config.get('MAIL_SERVER', 'localhost'), mail_sender, app.config['ADMINS'], '%s failure' % (app.config.get('SITE_ID') or, credentials=credentials, ) mail_handler.setFormatter(formatter) mail_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) root.addHandler(mail_handler)
# Legacy name configure = init_app