Source code for coaster.sqlalchemy.annotations

SQLAlchemy attribute annotations

Annotations are strings attached to attributes that serve as a programmer
reference on how those attributes are meant to be used. They can be used to
indicate that a column's value should be :attr:`immutable` and should never
change, or that it's a :attr:`cached` copy of a value from another source
that can be safely discarded in case of a conflict.

This module's exports may be imported via :mod:`coaster.sqlalchemy`.

Sample usage::

    from coaster.db import db
    from coaster.sqlalchemy import annotation_wrapper, immutable

    natural_key = annotation_wrapper('natural_key', "Natural key for this model")

    class MyModel(db.Model):
        __tablename__ = 'my_model'
        id = immutable(db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True))
        name = natural_key(db.Column(db.Unicode(250), unique=True))

        def get(cls, **kwargs):
            for key in kwargs:
                if key in cls.__column_annotations__[]:
                    return cls.query.filter_by(**{key: kwargs[key]}).one_or_none()

Annotations are saved to the model's class as a ``__column_annotations__``
dictionary, mapping annotation names to a list of attribute names, and to a
reverse lookup ``__column_annotations_by_attr__`` of attribute names to annotations.

from import Hashable
from typing import Any, Dict

from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.orm import ColumnProperty, RelationshipProperty, SynonymProperty, mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import QueryableAttribute
from sqlalchemy.schema import SchemaItem

from ..signals import coaster_signals

try:  # SQLAlchemy >= 1.4
    from sqlalchemy.orm import MapperProperty  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
except ImportError:  # SQLAlchemy < 1.4
    from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import MapperProperty

__all__ = ['annotations_configured', 'annotation_wrapper']

# Global dictionary for temporary storage of annotations until the
# mapper_configured events
__cache__: Dict[Any, list] = {}

# --- Signals -----------------------------------------------------------------

annotations_configured = coaster_signals.signal(
    doc="Signal raised after all annotations on a class are configured",

# --- SQLAlchemy signals for base class ---------------------------------------

@event.listens_for(mapper, 'mapper_configured')
def _configure_annotations(mapper_, cls):
    Extract annotations from attributes.

    Run through attributes of the class looking for annotations from
    :func:`annotation_wrapper` and add them to :attr:`cls.__column_annotations__`
    and :attr:`cls.__column_annotations_by_attr__`
    annotations = {}
    annotations_by_attr = {}

    # An attribute may be defined more than once in base classes. Only handle the first
    processed = set()

    # Loop through all attributes in the class and its base classes,
    # looking for annotations
    for base in cls.__mro__:
        for name, attr in base.__dict__.items():
            if name in processed or name.startswith('__'):

            if isinstance(attr, QueryableAttribute) and isinstance(
                getattr(attr, 'original_property', None), SynonymProperty
                # Skip synonyms
                data = None
            # 'data' is a list of string annotations
            elif isinstance(attr, Hashable) and attr in __cache__:
                data = __cache__[attr]
            elif hasattr(attr, '_coaster_annotations'):
                data = attr._coaster_annotations
            elif isinstance(
                attr, (QueryableAttribute, RelationshipProperty, MapperProperty)
                if in __cache__:
                    data = __cache__[]
                elif '_coaster_annotations' in
                    data =['_coaster_annotations']
                elif hasattr(, '_coaster_annotations'):
                    data = getattr(, '_coaster_annotations')
                    data = None
                data = None
            if data is not None:
                annotations_by_attr.setdefault(name, []).extend(data)
                for a in data:
                    annotations.setdefault(a, []).append(name)

    # Classes specifying ``__column_annotations__`` directly isn't supported,
    # so we don't bother preserving existing content, if any.
    if annotations:
        cls.__column_annotations__ = annotations
    if annotations_by_attr:
        cls.__column_annotations_by_attr__ = annotations_by_attr

# --- Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def annotation_wrapper(annotation, doc=None): """Define an annotation, which can be applied to attributes in a database model.""" def decorator(attr): __cache__.setdefault(attr, []).append(annotation) # Also mark the annotation on the object itself. This will # fail if the object has a restrictive __slots__, but it's # required for some objects like Column because SQLAlchemy copies # them in subclasses, changing their hash and making them # undiscoverable via the cache. if isinstance(attr, SynonymProperty): raise TypeError( "Synonyms cannot have annotations; set it on the referred attribute" ) if isinstance(attr, (SchemaItem, ColumnProperty, MapperProperty)):'_coaster_annotations', []).append(annotation) else: try: if not hasattr(attr, '_coaster_annotations'): setattr(attr, '_coaster_annotations', []) attr._coaster_annotations.append(annotation) except AttributeError: pass return attr decorator.__name__ = = annotation decorator.__doc__ = doc return decorator