Source code for coaster.sqlalchemy.registry

Model helper registry

Provides a :class:`Registry` type and a :class:`RegistryMixin` base class
with three registries, used by other mixin classes.

Helper classes such as forms and views can be registered to the model and
later accessed from an instance::

    class MyModel(BaseMixin, db.Model):

    class MyForm(Form):

    class MyView(ModelView):

    MyModel.forms.main = MyForm
    MyModel.views.main = MyView

When accessed from an instance, the registered form or view will receive the
instance as an ``obj`` parameter::

    doc = MyModel()
    doc.forms.main() == MyForm(obj=doc)
    doc.views.main() == MyView(obj=doc)

The name ``main`` is a recommended default, but an app that has separate forms
for ``new`` and ``edit`` actions could use those names instead.

from functools import partial
from threading import Lock
from typing import Optional, Set

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

__all__ = ['Registry', 'InstanceRegistry', 'RegistryMixin']

_marker = object()

[docs]class Registry: """Container for items registered to a model.""" _param: Optional[str] _name: Optional[str] _lock: Lock _default_property: bool _default_cached_property: bool _members: Set[str] _properties: Set[str] _cached_properties: Set[str] def __init__( self, param: Optional[str] = None, property: bool = False, # NOQA: A002 cached_property: bool = False, ): """Initialize with config.""" if property and cached_property: raise TypeError("Only one of property and cached_property can be True") object.__setattr__(self, '_param', str(param) if param else None) object.__setattr__(self, '_name', None) object.__setattr__(self, '_lock', Lock()) object.__setattr__(self, '_default_property', property) object.__setattr__(self, '_default_cached_property', cached_property) object.__setattr__(self, '_members', set()) object.__setattr__(self, '_properties', set()) object.__setattr__(self, '_cached_properties', set()) def __set_name__(self, owner, name): """Set a name for this registry.""" if self._name is None: object.__setattr__(self, '_name', name) elif name != self._name: raise TypeError( f"A registry cannot be used under multiple names {self._name} and" f" {name}" ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Incorporate a new registry member.""" if name.startswith('_'): raise ValueError("Registry member names cannot be underscore-prefixed") if hasattr(self, name): raise ValueError("%s is already registered" % name) if not callable(value): raise ValueError("Registry members must be callable") self._members.add(name) object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __call__(self, name=None, property=None, cached_property=None): # NOQA: A002 """Return decorator to aid class or function registration.""" use_property = self._default_property if property is None else property use_cached_property = ( self._default_cached_property if cached_property is None else cached_property ) if use_property and use_cached_property: raise TypeError( f"Only one of property and cached_property can be True." f" Provided: property={property}, cached_property={cached_property}." f" Registry: property={self._default_property}," f" cached_property={self._default_cached_property}." f" Conflicting registry settings must be explicitly set to False." ) def decorator(f): use_name = name or f.__name__ setattr(self, use_name, f) if use_property: self._properties.add(use_name) if use_cached_property: self._cached_properties.add(use_name) return f return decorator # def __iter__ (here or in instance?) def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): """Access at runtime.""" if obj is None: return self cache = obj.__dict__ # This assumes a class without __slots__ name = self._name with self._lock: ir = cache.get(name, _marker) if ir is _marker: ir = InstanceRegistry(self, obj) cache[name] = ir # Subsequent accesses will bypass this __get__ method and use the instance # that was saved to obj.__dict__ return ir
[docs] def clear_cache_for(self, obj) -> bool: """ Clear cached instance registry from an object. Returns `True` if cache was cleared, `False` if it wasn't needed. """ with self._lock: return bool(obj.__dict__.pop(self._name, False))
[docs]class InstanceRegistry: """ Container for accessing registered items from an instance of the model. Used internally by :class:`Registry`. Returns a partial that will pass in an ``obj`` parameter when called. """ def __init__(self, registry, obj): """Prepare to serve a registry member.""" # This would previously be cause for a memory leak due to being a cyclical # reference, and would have needed a weakref. However, this is no longer a # concern since PEP 442 and Python 3.4. self.__registry = registry self.__obj = obj def __getattr__(self, attr): """Access a registry member.""" registry = self.__registry obj = self.__obj param = registry._param func = getattr(registry, attr) # If attr is a property, return the result if attr in registry._properties: if param is not None: return func(**{param: obj}) return func(obj) # If attr is a cached property, cache and return the result if attr in registry._cached_properties: if param is not None: val = func(**{param: obj}) else: val = func(obj) setattr(self, attr, val) return val # Not a property or cached_property. Construct a partial, cache and return it if param is not None: pfunc = partial(func, **{param: obj}) else: pfunc = partial(func, obj) setattr(self, attr, pfunc) return pfunc
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Clear cache from this registry.""" with self.__registry.lock: return bool(self.__obj.__dict__.pop(, False))
[docs]class RegistryMixin: """ Adds common registries to a model. Included: * ``forms`` registry, for WTForms forms * ``views`` registry for view classes and helper functions * ``features`` registry for feature availability test functions. The forms registry passes the instance to the registered form as an ``obj`` keyword parameter. The other registries pass it as the first positional parameter. """ @declared_attr def forms(cls): """Registry for forms.""" r = Registry('obj') r.__set_name__(cls, 'forms') return r @declared_attr def views(cls): """Registry for views.""" r = Registry() r.__set_name__(cls, 'views') return r @declared_attr def features(cls): """Registry for feature tests.""" r = Registry() r.__set_name__(cls, 'features') return r