Source code for coaster.utils.tsquery

PostgreSQL query processor

import re

__all__ = ['for_tsquery']

_tsquery_tokens_re = re.compile(r'(:\*|\*|&|!|\||AND|OR|NOT|-|\(|\))', re.U)
_whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+', re.U)
_token_map = {'AND': '&', 'OR': '|', 'NOT': '!', '-': '!', '*': ':*'}

[docs]def for_tsquery(text): r""" Tokenize text into a valid PostgreSQL to_tsquery query. >>> for_tsquery(" ") '' >>> for_tsquery("This is a test") "'This is a test'" >>> for_tsquery('Match "this AND phrase"') "'Match this'&'phrase'" >>> for_tsquery('Match "this & phrase"') "'Match this'&'phrase'" >>> for_tsquery("This NOT that") "'This'&!'that'" >>> for_tsquery("This & NOT that") "'This'&!'that'" >>> for_tsquery("This > that") "'This > that'" >>> for_tsquery("Ruby AND (Python OR JavaScript)") "'Ruby'&('Python'|'JavaScript')" >>> for_tsquery("Ruby AND NOT (Python OR JavaScript)") "'Ruby'&!('Python'|'JavaScript')" >>> for_tsquery("Ruby NOT (Python OR JavaScript)") "'Ruby'&!('Python'|'JavaScript')" >>> for_tsquery("Ruby (Python OR JavaScript) Golang") "'Ruby'&('Python'|'JavaScript')&'Golang'" >>> for_tsquery("Ruby (Python OR JavaScript) NOT Golang") "'Ruby'&('Python'|'JavaScript')&!'Golang'" >>> for_tsquery("Java*") "'Java':*" >>> for_tsquery("Java**") "'Java':*" >>> for_tsquery("Android || Python") "'Android'|'Python'" >>> for_tsquery("Missing (bracket") "'Missing'&('bracket')" >>> for_tsquery("Extra bracket)") "('Extra bracket')" >>> for_tsquery("Android (Python ())") "'Android'&('Python')" >>> for_tsquery("Android (Python !())") "'Android'&('Python')" >>> for_tsquery("()") '' >>> for_tsquery("(") '' >>> for_tsquery("() Python") "'Python'" >>> for_tsquery("!() Python") "'Python'" >>> for_tsquery("*") '' >>> for_tsquery("/etc/passwd\x00") "'/etc/passwd'" """ tokens = [ _token_map.get(t, t) for t in _tsquery_tokens_re.split( _whitespace_re.sub( ' ', text.replace("'", " ").replace('"', ' ').replace('\0', '') ) ) ] tokens = [ t if t in ('&', '|', '!', ':*', '(', ')', ' ') else "'" + t.strip() + "'" for t in tokens ] tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in ('', ' ', "''")] if not tokens: return '' counterlength = len(tokens) counter = 1 while counter < counterlength: if tokens[counter] == '!' and tokens[counter - 1] not in ('&', '|', '('): tokens.insert(counter, '&') counter += 1 counterlength += 1 elif tokens[counter] == '(' and tokens[counter - 1] not in ('&', '|', '!'): tokens.insert(counter, '&') counter += 1 counterlength += 1 elif tokens[counter] == ')' and tokens[counter - 1] == '(': # Empty () tokens.pop(counter) tokens.pop(counter - 1) counter -= 2 counterlength -= 2 # Pop the join with previous segment too if tokens and tokens[counter] in ('&', '|'): tokens.pop(counter) counter -= 1 counterlength -= 1 elif tokens and counter == 0 and tokens[counter] == '!': tokens.pop(counter) counter -= 1 counterlength -= 1 elif ( tokens and counter > 0 and tokens[counter - 1 : counter + 1] in (['&', '!'], ['|', '!']) ): tokens.pop(counter) tokens.pop(counter - 1) counter -= 2 counterlength -= 2 elif tokens[counter].startswith("'") and tokens[counter - 1] not in ( '&', '|', '!', '(', ): tokens.insert(counter, '&') counter += 1 counterlength += 1 elif ( (tokens[counter] in ('&', '|') and tokens[counter - 1] in ('&', '|')) or (tokens[counter] == '!' and tokens[counter - 1] not in ('&', '|')) or (tokens[counter] == ':*' and not tokens[counter - 1].startswith("'")) ): # Invalid token: is a dupe or follows a token it shouldn't follow tokens.pop(counter) counter -= 1 counterlength -= 1 counter += 1 while tokens and tokens[0] in ('&', '|', ':*', ')', '!', '*'): tokens.pop(0) # Can't start with a binary or suffix operator if tokens: while tokens and tokens[-1] in ('&', '|', '!', '('): tokens.pop(-1) # Can't end with a binary or prefix operator if not tokens: return '' # Did we just eliminate all tokens? missing_brackets = sum(1 if t == '(' else -1 for t in tokens if t in ('(', ')')) if missing_brackets > 0: tokens.append(')' * missing_brackets) elif missing_brackets < 0: tokens.insert(0, '(' * -missing_brackets) return ''.join(tokens)