Source code for coaster.views.classview

Class-based views

Group related views into a class for easier management.

from functools import update_wrapper, wraps
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit

from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute
from sqlalchemy.orm.descriptor_props import SynonymProperty
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import Mapper
from import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query

# mypy can't find _request_ctx_stack in flask
from flask import (  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
from werkzeug.routing import parse_rule

from ..auth import add_auth_attribute, current_auth
from ..typing import SimpleDecorator
from ..utils import InspectableSet

__all__ = [
    'current_view',  # Functions
    'ModelView',  # View base classes
    'requires_roles',  # View decorators
    'InstanceLoader',  # Mixin classes

#: Type for URL rules in classviews
RouteRuleOptions = Dict[str, Any]

#: A proxy object that holds the currently executing :class:`ClassView` instance,
#: for use in templates as context. Exposed to templates by
#: :func:``. Note that the current view handler method within the
#: class is named :attr:`~current_view.current_handler`, so to examine it, use
#: :attr:`current_view.current_handler`.
current_view = LocalProxy(
    lambda: getattr(, 'current_view', None)
    if has_request_context()
    else None

# :func:`route` wraps :class:`ViewHandler` so that it can have an independent __doc__
[docs]def route(rule, **options): """ Decorator for defining routes on a :class:`ClassView` and its methods. Accepts the same parameters that Flask's ``app.``:meth:`~flask.Flask.route` accepts. See :class:`ClassView` for usage notes. """ return ViewHandler(rule, rule_options=options)
[docs]def viewdata(**kwargs): """ Decorator for adding additional data to a view method, to be used alongside :func:`route`. This data is accessible as the ``data`` attribute on the view handler. """ return ViewHandler(None, viewdata=kwargs)
[docs]def rulejoin(class_rule, method_rule): """ Join class and method rules. Used internally by :class:`ClassView` to combine rules from the :func:`route` decorators on the class and on the individual view handler methods:: >>> rulejoin('/', '') '/' >>> rulejoin('/', 'first') '/first' >>> rulejoin('/first', '/second') '/second' >>> rulejoin('/first', 'second') '/first/second' >>> rulejoin('/first/', 'second') '/first/second' >>> rulejoin('/first/<second>', '') '/first/<second>' >>> rulejoin('/first/<second>', 'third') '/first/<second>/third' """ if method_rule.startswith('/'): return method_rule return ( class_rule + ('' if class_rule.endswith('/') or not method_rule else '/') + method_rule )
class ViewHandler: """ Internal object created by the :func:`route` and :func:`viewdata` functions. """ def __init__( self, rule, rule_options=None, viewdata=None, # skipcq: PYL-W0621 requires_roles=None, # skipcq: PYL-W0621 ): if rule is not None: self.routes = [(rule, rule_options or {})] else: self.routes = [] = viewdata or {} self.requires_roles = requires_roles or {} self.endpoints = set() # Stubs for the decorator to fill = None self.endpoint = None self.func = None def reroute(self, f): # Use type(self) instead of ViewHandler so this works for (future) subclasses # of ViewHandler r = type(self)(None) r.routes = self.routes = return r.__call__(f) def copy_for_subclass(self): # Like reroute, but just a copy r = type(self)(None) r.routes = self.routes = r.func = ( self.func ) # Copy func but not wrapped_func, as it will be re-wrapped by init_app = r.endpoint = self.endpoint r.__doc__ = self.__doc__ r.endpoints = set() return r def __call__(self, decorated): # Are we decorating a ClassView? If so, annotate the ClassView and return it if type(decorated) is type and issubclass(decorated, ClassView): if '__routes__' not in decorated.__dict__: decorated.__routes__ = [] decorated.__routes__.extend(self.routes) return decorated # Are we decorating another ViewHandler? If so, copy routes and # wrapped method from it. if isinstance(decorated, (ViewHandler, ViewHandlerWrapper)): self.routes.extend(decorated.routes) newdata = dict( newdata.update( = newdata self.func = decorated.func # If neither ClassView nor ViewHandler, assume it's a callable method else: self.func = decorated = self.func.__name__ # self.endpoint will change once init_app calls __set_name__ self.endpoint = self.__doc__ = self.func.__doc__ # skipcq: PYL-W0201 return self # Normally Python 3.6+, but called manually by :meth:`ClassView.init_app` def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name self.endpoint = owner.__name__ + '_' + def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): return ViewHandlerWrapper(self, obj, cls) def init_app(self, app, cls, callback=None): """ Register routes for a given app and :class:`ClassView` class. At the time of this call, we will always be in the view class even if we were originally defined in a base class. :meth:`ClassView.init_app` ensures this. :meth:`init_app` therefore takes the liberty of adding additional attributes to ``self``: * :attr:`wrapped_func`: The function wrapped with all decorators added by the class * :attr:`view_func`: The view function registered as a Flask view handler * :attr:`endpoints`: The URL endpoints registered to this view handler """ def view_func(**view_args): # view_func does not make any reference to variables from init_app to avoid # creating a closure. Instead, the code further below sticks all relevant # variables into view_func's namespace. # Instantiate the view class. We depend on its __init__ requiring no # parameters viewinst = view_func.view_class() # Declare ourselves (the ViewHandler) as the current view. The wrapper makes # equivalence tests possible, such as ``self.current_handler == self.index`` viewinst.current_handler = ViewHandlerWrapper( view_func.view, viewinst, view_func.view_class ) # Place view arguments in the instance, in case they are needed outside the # dispatch process viewinst.view_args = view_args # Place the view instance on the request stack for :obj:`current_view` to # discover = viewinst # Call the view instance's dispatch method. View classes can customise this # for desired behaviour. return viewinst.dispatch_request(view_func.wrapped_func, view_args) # Decorate the wrapped view function with the class's desired decorators. # Mixin classes may provide their own decorators, and all of them will be # applied. The oldest defined decorators (from mixins) will be applied first, # and the class's own decorators last. Within the list of decorators, we reverse # the list again, so that a list specified like this: # # __decorators__ = [first, second] # # Has the same effect as writing this: # # @first # @second # def myview(self): # pass wrapped_func = self.func for base in reversed(cls.__mro__): if '__decorators__' in base.__dict__: for decorator in reversed(base.__dict__['__decorators__']): wrapped_func = decorator(wrapped_func) wrapped_func.__name__ = # See below # Make view_func resemble the underlying view handler method... view_func = update_wrapper(view_func, wrapped_func) # ...but give view_func the name of the method in the class (, # will differ from __name__ only if the view handler method # was defined outside the class and then added to the class with a # different name. view_func.__name__ = # Stick `wrapped_func` and `cls` into view_func to avoid creating a closure. view_func.wrapped_func = wrapped_func view_func.view_class = cls view_func.view = self # Keep a copy of these functions (we already have self.func) self.wrapped_func = wrapped_func # skipcq: PYL-W0201 self.view_func = view_func # skipcq: PYL-W0201 for class_rule, class_options in cls.__routes__: for method_rule, method_options in self.routes: use_options = dict(method_options) use_options.update(class_options) endpoint = use_options.pop('endpoint', self.endpoint) self.endpoints.add(endpoint) use_rule = rulejoin(class_rule, method_rule) app.add_url_rule(use_rule, endpoint, view_func, **use_options) if callback: callback(use_rule, endpoint, view_func, **use_options) class ViewHandlerWrapper: """Wrapper for a view at runtime""" def __init__(self, viewh, obj, cls=None): # obj is the ClassView instance self._viewh = viewh self._obj = obj self._cls = cls def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Treat this like a call to the method (and not to the view)""" # As per the __decorators__ spec, we call .func, not .wrapped_func return self._viewh.func(self._obj, *args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._viewh, name) def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, ViewHandlerWrapper) and self._viewh == other._viewh and self._obj == other._obj and self._cls == other._cls ) def __ne__(self, other): # pragma: no cover return not self.__eq__(other) def is_available(self): """Indicates whether this view is available in the current context""" if hasattr(self._viewh.wrapped_func, 'is_available'): return self._viewh.wrapped_func.is_available(self._obj) return True
[docs]class ClassView: """ Base class for defining a collection of views that are related to each other. Subclasses may define methods decorated with :func:`route`. When :meth:`init_app` is called, these will be added as routes to the app. Typical use:: @route('/') class IndexView(ClassView): @viewdata(title="Homepage") @route('') def index(): return render_template('index.html.jinja2') @route('about') @viewdata(title="About us") def about(): return render_template('about.html.jinja2') IndexView.init_app(app) The :func:`route` decorator on the class specifies the base rule, which is prefixed to the rule specified on each view method. This example produces two view handlers, for ``/`` and ``/about``. Multiple :func:`route` decorators may be used in both places. The :func:`viewdata` decorator can be used to specify additional data, and may appear either before or after the :func:`route` decorator, but only adjacent to it. Data specified here is available as the :attr:`data` attribute on the view handler, or at runtime in templates as ````. A rudimentary CRUD view collection can be assembled like this:: @route('/doc/<name>') class DocumentView(ClassView): @route('') @render_with('mydocument.html.jinja2', json=True) def view(self, name): document = MyDocument.query.filter_by(name=name).first_or_404() return document.current_access() @route('edit', methods=['POST']) @requestform('title', 'content') def edit(self, name, title, content): document = MyDocument.query.filter_by(name=name).first_or_404() document.title = title document.content = content return 'edited!' DocumentView.init_app(app) See :class:`ModelView` for a better way to build views around a model. """ # If the class did not get a @route decorator, provide a fallback route __routes__: List[Tuple[str, RouteRuleOptions]] = [('', {})] #: Track all the views registered in this class __views__ = () #: Subclasses may define decorators here. These will be applied to every #: view handler in the class, but only when called as a view and not #: as a Python method call. __decorators__: List[SimpleDecorator] = [] #: Indicates whether meth:`is_available` should simply return `True` #: without conducting a test. Subclasses should not set this flag. It will #: be set by :meth:`init_app` if any view handler is missing an #: ``is_available`` method, as it implies that view is always available. is_always_available = False #: When a view is called, this will point to the current view handler, #: an instance of :class:`ViewHandler`. current_handler = None #: When a view is called, this will be replaced with a dictionary of #: arguments to the view. view_args: Optional[dict] = None def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is type(self)
[docs] def dispatch_request(self, view, view_args): """ View dispatcher that calls before_request, the view, and then after_request. Subclasses may override this to provide a custom flow. :class:`ModelView` does this to insert a model loading phase. :param view: View method wrapped in specified decorators. The dispatcher must call this :param dict view_args: View arguments, to be passed on to the view method """ # Call the :meth:`before_request` method resp = self.before_request() if resp: return self.after_request(make_response(resp)) # Call the view handler method, then pass the response to :meth:`after_response` return self.after_request(make_response(view(self, **view_args)))
[docs] def before_request(self): """ This method is called after the app's ``before_request`` handlers, and before the class's view method. Subclasses and mixin classes may define their own :meth:`before_request` to pre-process requests. This method receives context via `self`, in particular via :attr:`current_handler` and :attr:`view_args`. """ return None
[docs] def after_request(self, response): """ This method is called with the response from the view handler method. It must return a valid response object. Subclasses and mixin classes may override this to perform any necessary post-processing:: class MyView(ClassView): ... def after_request(self, response): response = super().after_request(response) ... # Process here return response :param response: Response from the view handler method :return: Response object """ return response
[docs] def is_available(self): """ Returns `True` if *any* view handler in the class is currently available via its `is_available` method. """ if self.is_always_available: return True for viewname in self.__views__: if getattr(self, viewname).is_available(): return True return False
@classmethod def __get_raw_attr(cls, name): for base in cls.__mro__: if name in base.__dict__: return base.__dict__[name] raise AttributeError(name)
[docs] @classmethod def add_route_for(cls, _name, rule, **options): """ Add a route for an existing method or view. Useful for modifying routes that a subclass inherits from a base class:: class BaseView(ClassView): def latent_view(self): return 'latent-view' @route('other') def other_view(self): return 'other-view' @route('/path') class SubView(BaseView): pass SubView.add_route_for('latent_view', 'latent') SubView.add_route_for('other_view', 'another') SubView.init_app(app) # Created routes: # /path/latent -> SubView.latent (added) # /path/other -> SubView.other (inherited) # /path/another -> SubView.other (added) :param _name: Name of the method or view on the class :param rule: URL rule to be added :param options: Additional options for :meth:`~flask.Flask.add_url_rule` """ setattr(cls, _name, route(rule, **options)(cls.__get_raw_attr(_name)))
[docs] @classmethod def init_app(cls, app, callback=None): """ Register views on an app. If :attr:`callback` is specified, it will be called after ``app.``:meth:`~flask.Flask.add_url_rule`, with the same parameters. """ processed = set() cls.__views__ = set() cls.is_always_available = False for base in cls.__mro__: for name, attr in base.__dict__.items(): if name in processed: continue processed.add(name) if isinstance(attr, ViewHandler): if base != cls: # Copy ViewHandler instances into subclasses # TODO: Don't do this during init_app. Use a metaclass # and do this when the class is defined. attr = attr.copy_for_subclass() setattr(cls, name, attr) attr.__set_name__(cls, name) # Required for Python < 3.6 cls.__views__.add(name) attr.init_app(app, cls, callback=callback) if not hasattr(attr.wrapped_func, 'is_available'): cls.is_always_available = True
[docs]class ModelView(ClassView): """ Base class for constructing views around a model. Functionality is provided via mixin classes that must precede :class:`ModelView` in base class order. Two mixins are provided: :class:`UrlForView` and :class:`InstanceLoader`. Sample use:: @route('/doc/<document>') class DocumentView(UrlForView, InstanceLoader, ModelView): model = Document route_model_map = { 'document': 'name' } @route('') @render_with(json=True) def view(self): return self.obj.current_access() Document.views.main = DocumentView DocumentView.init_app(app) Views will not receive view arguments, unlike in :class:`ClassView`. If necessary, they are available as `self.view_args`. """ #: The model that this view class represents, to be specified by subclasses. model: Optional[Any] = None #: A base query to use if the model needs special handling. query: Optional[Query] = None #: A mapping of URL rule variables to attributes on the model. For example, #: if the URL rule is ``/<parent>/<document>``, the attribute map can be:: #: #: model = MyModel #: route_model_map = { #: 'document': 'name', # Map 'document' in URL to #: 'parent': '', # Map 'parent' to #: } #: #: The :class:`InstanceLoader` mixin class will convert this mapping into #: SQLAlchemy attribute references to load the instance object. route_model_map: Dict[str, str] = {} def __init__(self, obj=None): super().__init__() self.obj = obj def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is type(self) and other.obj == self.obj
[docs] def dispatch_request(self, view, view_args): """ View dispatcher that calls :meth:`before_request`, :meth:`loader`, :meth:`after_loader`, the view, and then :meth:`after_request`. :param view: View method wrapped in specified decorators. :param dict view_args: View arguments, to be passed on to the view method """ # Call the :meth:`before_request` method resp = self.before_request() if resp: return self.after_request(make_response(resp)) # Load the database model self.obj = self.loader(**view_args) # Trigger pre-view processing of the loaded object resp = self.after_loader() if resp: return self.after_request(make_response(resp)) # Call the view handler method, then pass the response to :meth:`after_response` return self.after_request(make_response(view(self)))
[docs] def loader(self, **view_args): # pragma: no cover """ Subclasses or mixin classes may override this method to provide a model instance loader. The return value of this method will be placed at ``self.obj``. :return: Object instance loaded from database """ raise NotImplementedError("View class is missing a loader method")
def after_loader(self): # Determine permissions available on the object for the current actor, # but only if the view method has a requires_permission decorator if hasattr(self.current_handler.wrapped_func, 'requires_permission'): if isinstance(self.obj, tuple): perms = None for subobj in self.obj: if hasattr(subobj, 'permissions'): perms = subobj.permissions(, perms) perms = InspectableSet(perms or set()) elif hasattr(self.obj, 'current_permissions'): # current_permissions always returns an InspectableSet perms = self.obj.current_permissions else: perms = InspectableSet() add_auth_attribute('permissions', perms) return None
[docs]def requires_roles(roles): """ Decorator for :class:`ModelView` views that limits access to the specified roles. """ def inner(f): def is_available_here(context): return context.obj.roles_for( def is_available(context): result = is_available_here(context) if result and hasattr(f, 'is_available'): # We passed, but we're wrapping another test, so ask there as well return f.is_available(context) return result @wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): add_auth_attribute('login_required', True) if not is_available_here(self): abort(403) return f(self, *args, **kwargs) wrapper.requires_roles = roles wrapper.is_available = is_available return wrapper return inner
[docs]class UrlForView: """ Mixin class for :class:`ModelView` that registers view handler methods with :class:`~coaster.sqlalchemy.mixins.UrlForMixin`'s :meth:`~coaster.sqlalchemy.mixins.UrlForMixin.is_url_for`. """ @classmethod def init_app(cls, app, callback=None): def register_view_on_model(rule, endpoint, view_func, **options): # Only pass in the attrs that are included in the rule. # 1. Extract list of variables from the rule rulevars = [v for c, a, v in parse_rule(rule)] if options.get('host'): rulevars.extend(v for c, a, v in parse_rule(options['host'])) if options.get('subdomain'): rulevars.extend(v for c, a, v in parse_rule(options['subdomain'])) # Make a subset of cls.route_model_map with the required variables params = { v: cls.route_model_map[v] for v in rulevars if v in cls.route_model_map } # Register endpoint with the view function's name, endpoint name and # parameters. Register the view for a specific app, unless we're in a # Blueprint, in which case it's not an app. # FIXME: The behaviour of a Blueprint + multi-app combo is unknown and needs # tests. if isinstance(app, Blueprint): prefix = + '.' reg_app = None else: prefix = '' reg_app = app cls.model.register_endpoint( action=view_func.__name__, endpoint=prefix + endpoint, app=reg_app, roles=getattr(view_func, 'requires_roles', None), paramattrs=params, ) cls.model.register_view_for( app=reg_app, action=view_func.__name__, classview=cls, attr=view_func.__name__, ) if callback: # pragma: no cover callback(rule, endpoint, view_func, **options) super().init_app(app, callback=register_view_on_model)
[docs]def url_change_check(f): """ View method decorator that checks the URL of the loaded object in ``self.obj`` against the URL in the request (using ``self.obj.url_for(__name__)``). If the URLs do not match, and the request is a ``GET``, it issues a redirect to the correct URL. Usage:: @route('/doc/<document>') class MyModelView(UrlForView, InstanceLoader, ModelView): model = MyModel route_model_map = {'document': 'url_id_name'} @route('') @url_change_check @render_with(json=True) def view(self): return self.obj.current_access() If the decorator is required for all view handlers in the class, use :class:`UrlChangeCheck`. This decorator will only consider the URLs to be different if: * Schemes differ (``http`` vs ``https`` etc) * Hostnames differ (apart from a case difference, as user agents use lowercase) * Paths differ The current URL's query will be copied to the redirect URL. The URL fragment (``#target_id``) is not available to the server and will be lost. """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if request.method == 'GET' and self.obj is not None: correct_url = self.obj.url_for(f.__name__, _external=True) if correct_url != request.base_url: # What's different? If it's a case difference in hostname, or different # port number, username, password, query or fragment, ignore. For any # other difference (scheme, hostname or path), do a redirect. correct_url_parts = urlsplit(correct_url) request_url_parts = urlsplit(request.base_url) reconstructed_url = urlunsplit( ( correct_url_parts.scheme, correct_url_parts.hostname.lower(), # Replace netloc correct_url_parts.path, '', # Drop query '', # Drop fragment ) ) reconstructed_ref = urlunsplit( ( request_url_parts.scheme, request_url_parts.hostname.lower(), # Replace netloc request_url_parts.path, '', # Drop query '', # Drop fragment ) ) if reconstructed_url != reconstructed_ref: if request.query_string: correct_url = urlunsplit( correct_url_parts._replace( query=request.query_string.decode('utf-8') ) ) return redirect( correct_url ) # TODO: Decide if this should be 302 (default) or 301 return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class UrlChangeCheck(UrlForView): """ Mixin class for :class:`ModelView` and :class:`~coaster.sqlalchemy.mixins.UrlForMixin` that applies the :func:`url_change_check` decorator to all view handler methods. Subclasses :class:`UrlForView`, which it depends on to register the view with the model so that URLs can be generated. Usage:: @route('/doc/<document>') class MyModelView(UrlChangeCheck, InstanceLoader, ModelView): model = MyModel route_model_map = {'document': 'url_id_name'} @route('') @render_with(json=True) def view(self): return self.obj.current_access() """ __decorators__ = [url_change_check]
[docs]class InstanceLoader: """ Mixin class for :class:`ModelView` that provides a :meth:`loader` that attempts to load an instance of the model based on attributes in the :attr:`~ModelView.route_model_map` dictionary. :class:`InstanceLoader` will traverse relationships (many-to-one or one-to-one) and perform a SQL ``JOIN`` with the target class. """ def loader(self, **view_args): if any((name in self.route_model_map for name in view_args)): # We have a URL route attribute that matches one of the model's attributes. # Attempt to load the model instance filters = { self.route_model_map[key]: value for key, value in view_args.items() if key in self.route_model_map } query = self.query or self.model.query joined_models = set() for name, value in filters.items(): if '.' in name: # Did we get something like ``? # Dig into it to find the source column source = self.model for subname in name.split('.'): attr = relattr = getattr(source, subname) # Did we get to something like 'parent'? # 1. If it's a synonym, get the attribute it is a synonym for # 2. If it's a relationship, find the source class, join it to # the query, and then continue looking for attributes over there if hasattr(attr, 'original_property') and isinstance( attr.original_property, SynonymProperty ): attr = getattr(source, if isinstance(attr, InstrumentedAttribute) and isinstance(, RelationshipProperty ): if isinstance(, Mapper): attr = ( ) # Unlikely to be used. pragma: no cover else: attr = if attr not in joined_models: # SQL JOIN the other model on the basis of # the relationship that led us to this join query = query.join(attr, relattr) # But ensure we don't JOIN twice joined_models.add(attr) source = attr query = query.filter(source == value) else: query = query.filter(getattr(self.model, name) == value) obj = query.one_or_404() return obj