Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

App configuration

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import six

from flask import Flask, g, get_flashed_messages, request, session, url_for
from flask.json import tojson_filter as _tojson_filter
from flask.sessions import SecureCookieSessionInterface
import itsdangerous

from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment as BaseSandboxedEnvironment

from . import logger
from .auth import current_auth
from .views import current_view

__all__ = [

_additional_config = {
    'dev': '',
    'development': '',
    'test': '',
    'testing': '',
    'prod': '',
    'production': '',

[docs]class KeyRotationWrapper(object): """ Wrapper to support multiple secret keys in itsdangerous. The first secret key is used for all operations, but if it causes a BadSignature exception, the other secret keys are tried in order. :param cls: Signing class from itsdangerous (eg: URLSafeTimedSerializer) :param secret_keys: List of secret keys :param kwargs: Arguments to pass to each signer/serializer """ def __init__(self, cls, secret_keys, **kwargs): if isinstance(secret_keys, six.string_types): raise ValueError("Secret keys must be a list") self._engines = [cls(key, **kwargs) for key in secret_keys] def __getattr__(self, attr): item = getattr(self._engines[0], attr) return self._make_wrapper(attr) if callable(item) else item def _make_wrapper(self, attr): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): last = len(self._engines) - 1 for counter, engine in enumerate(self._engines): try: return getattr(engine, attr)(*args, **kwargs) except itsdangerous.exc.BadSignature: if counter == last: # We've run out of engines. Raise error to caller raise return wrapper
[docs]class RotatingKeySecureCookieSessionInterface(SecureCookieSessionInterface): """Replaces the serializer with key rotation support""" def get_signing_serializer(self, app): if not app.config.get('SECRET_KEYS'): return None signer_kwargs = { 'key_derivation': self.key_derivation, 'digest_method': self.digest_method, } return KeyRotationWrapper( itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer, app.config['SECRET_KEYS'], salt=self.salt, serializer=self.serializer, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs, )
class SandboxedEnvironment(BaseSandboxedEnvironment): """ Works like a regular Jinja2 sandboxed environment but has some additional knowledge of how Flask's blueprint works, so that it can prepend the name of the blueprint to referenced templates if necessary. """ def __init__(self, app, **options): if 'loader' not in options: options['loader'] = app.create_global_jinja_loader() BaseSandboxedEnvironment.__init__(self, **options) = app
[docs]class SandboxedFlask(Flask): """ Flask with a sandboxed_ Jinja2 environment, for when your app's templates need sandboxing. Useful when your app works with externally provided templates:: from import SandboxedFlask app = SandboxedFlask(__name__) .. _sandboxed: """
[docs] def create_jinja_environment(self): """Creates the Jinja2 environment based on :attr:`jinja_options` and :meth:`select_jinja_autoescape`. Since 0.7 this also adds the Jinja2 globals and filters after initialization. Override this function to customize the behavior. """ options = dict(self.jinja_options) if 'autoescape' not in options: options['autoescape'] = self.select_jinja_autoescape rv = SandboxedEnvironment(self, **options) rv.globals.update( url_for=url_for, get_flashed_messages=get_flashed_messages, config=self.config, # FIXME: Sandboxed templates shouldn't access full config # request, session and g are normally added with the # context processor for efficiency reasons but for imported # templates we also want the proxies in there. request=request, session=session, g=g, # FIXME: Similarly with g: no access for sandboxed templates ) rv.filters['tojson'] = _tojson_filter return rv
[docs]def init_app(app, init_logging=True): """ Configure an app depending on the environment. Loads settings from a file named ```` in the instance folder, followed by additional settings from one of ````, ```` or ````. Typical usage:: from flask import Flask import app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) # Guess environment automatically :func:`init_app` also configures logging by calling :func:`coaster.logger.init_app`. :param app: App to be configured :param bool init_logging: Call `coaster.logger.init_app` (default `True`) """ # Make current_auth available to app templates app.jinja_env.globals['current_auth'] = current_auth # Make the current view available to app templates app.jinja_env.globals['current_view'] = current_view # Disable Flask-SQLAlchemy events. # Apps that want it can turn it back on in their config app.config.setdefault('SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS', False) # Load config from the app's load_config_from_file(app, '') # Load additional settings from the app's environment-specific config file: # Flask sets ``ENV`` configuration variable based on ``FLASK_ENV`` environment # variable. So we can directly get it from ``app.config['ENV']``. # Lowercase because that's how flask defines it. # ref: additional = _additional_config.get(app.config['ENV'].lower()) if additional: load_config_from_file(app, additional) if init_logging: logger.init_app(app)
def load_config_from_file(app, filepath): """Helper function to load config from a specified file""" try: app.config.from_pyfile(filepath) return True except IOError: app.logger.warning( "Did not find settings file %s for additional settings, skipping it", filepath, ) return False