Source code for coaster.utils.classes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Utility classes

from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves.collections_abc import Set
import six

from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple

__all__ = ['NameTitle', 'LabeledEnum', 'InspectableSet', 'classmethodproperty']

NameTitle = namedtuple('NameTitle', ['name', 'title'])

class _LabeledEnumMeta(type):
    """Construct labeled enumeration"""

    def __prepare__(cls, name, bases, **kwargs):  # NOQA: N804 # pragma: no cover
        return OrderedDict()

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs):
        labels = OrderedDict()
        names = OrderedDict()

        def pop_name_by_value(value):
            for k, v in list(names.items()):
                if v == value:
                    return k

        for key, value in tuple(attrs.items()):
            if key != '__order__' and isinstance(value, tuple):
                # value = tuple of actual value (0), label/name (1), optional title (2)
                if len(value) == 2:
                    labels[value[0]] = value[1]
                    attrs[key] = names[key] = value[0]
                elif len(value) == 3:
                    labels[value[0]] = NameTitle(value[1], value[2])
                    attrs[key] = names[key] = value[0]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise AttributeError("Unprocessed attribute %s" % key)
            elif key != '__order__' and isinstance(value, set):
                # value = set of other unprocessed values
                attrs[key] = names[key] = {
                    v[0] if isinstance(v, tuple) else v for v in value

        if '__order__' in attrs:
            ordered_labels = OrderedDict()
            ordered_names = OrderedDict()
            for value in attrs['__order__']:
                ordered_labels[value[0]] = labels.pop(value[0])
                attr_name = pop_name_by_value(value[0])
                if attr_name is not None:
                    ordered_names[attr_name] = value[0]
            for (
            ) in (
            ):  # Left over items after processing the list in __order__
                ordered_labels[key] = value
                attr_name = pop_name_by_value(value)
                if attr_name is not None:
                    ordered_names[attr_name] = value
            ordered_names.update(names)  # Left over names that don't have a label
        else:  # This enum doesn't care about ordering, or is using Py3 with __prepare__
            ordered_labels = labels
            ordered_names = names
        attrs['__labels__'] = ordered_labels
        attrs['__names__'] = ordered_names
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

    def __getitem__(cls, key):
        return cls.__labels__[key]

    def __contains__(cls, key):
        return key in cls.__labels__

[docs]class LabeledEnum(six.with_metaclass(_LabeledEnumMeta)): """ Labeled enumerations. Declarate an enumeration with values and labels (for use in UI):: >>> class MY_ENUM(LabeledEnum): ... FIRST = (1, "First") ... THIRD = (3, "Third") ... SECOND = (2, "Second") :class:`LabeledEnum` will convert any attribute that is a 2-tuple into a value and label pair. Access values as direct attributes of the enumeration:: >>> MY_ENUM.FIRST 1 >>> MY_ENUM.SECOND 2 >>> MY_ENUM.THIRD 3 Access labels via dictionary lookup on the enumeration:: >>> MY_ENUM[MY_ENUM.FIRST] 'First' >>> MY_ENUM[2] 'Second' >>> MY_ENUM.get(3) 'Third' >>> MY_ENUM.get(4) is None True Retrieve a full list of values and labels with ``.items()``. Definition order is preserved in Python 3.x, but not in 2.x:: >>> sorted(MY_ENUM.items()) [(1, 'First'), (2, 'Second'), (3, 'Third')] >>> sorted(MY_ENUM.keys()) [1, 2, 3] >>> sorted(MY_ENUM.values()) ['First', 'Second', 'Third'] However, if you really want ordering in Python 2.x, add an __order__ list. Anything not in it will default to Python's ordering:: >>> class RSVP(LabeledEnum): ... RSVP_Y = ('Y', "Yes") ... RSVP_N = ('N', "No") ... RSVP_M = ('M', "Maybe") ... RSVP_U = ('U', "Unknown") ... RSVP_A = ('A', "Awaiting") ... __order__ = (RSVP_Y, RSVP_N, RSVP_M, RSVP_A) >>> RSVP.items() [('Y', 'Yes'), ('N', 'No'), ('M', 'Maybe'), ('A', 'Awaiting'), ('U', 'Unknown')] Three value tuples are assumed to be (value, name, title) and the name and title are converted into NameTitle(name, title):: >>> class NAME_ENUM(LabeledEnum): ... FIRST = (1, 'first', "First") ... THIRD = (3, 'third', "Third") ... SECOND = (2, 'second', "Second") ... __order__ = (FIRST, SECOND, THIRD) >>> NAME_ENUM.FIRST 1 >>> NAME_ENUM[NAME_ENUM.FIRST] NameTitle(name='first', title='First') >>> NAME_ENUM[NAME_ENUM.SECOND].name 'second' >>> NAME_ENUM[NAME_ENUM.THIRD].title 'Third' To make it easier to use with forms and to hide the actual values, a list of (name, title) pairs is available:: >>> NAME_ENUM.nametitles() [('first', 'First'), ('second', 'Second'), ('third', 'Third')] Given a name, the value can be looked up:: >>> NAME_ENUM.value_for('first') 1 >>> NAME_ENUM.value_for('second') 2 Values can be grouped together using a set, for performing "in" operations. These do not have labels and cannot be accessed via dictionary access:: >>> class RSVP_EXTRA(LabeledEnum): ... RSVP_Y = ('Y', "Yes") ... RSVP_N = ('N', "No") ... RSVP_M = ('M', "Maybe") ... RSVP_U = ('U', "Unknown") ... RSVP_A = ('A', "Awaiting") ... __order__ = (RSVP_Y, RSVP_N, RSVP_M, RSVP_U, RSVP_A) ... UNCERTAIN = {RSVP_M, RSVP_U, 'A'} >>> isinstance(RSVP_EXTRA.UNCERTAIN, set) True >>> sorted(RSVP_EXTRA.UNCERTAIN) ['A', 'M', 'U'] >>> 'N' in RSVP_EXTRA.UNCERTAIN False >>> 'M' in RSVP_EXTRA.UNCERTAIN True >>> RSVP_EXTRA.RSVP_U in RSVP_EXTRA.UNCERTAIN True Labels are stored internally in a dictionary named ``__labels__``, mapping the value to the label. Symbol names are stored in ``__names__``, mapping name to the value. The label dictionary will only contain values processed using the tuple syntax, which excludes grouped values, while the names dictionary will contain both, but will exclude anything else found in the class that could not be processed (use ``__dict__`` for everything):: >>> list(RSVP_EXTRA.__labels__.keys()) ['Y', 'N', 'M', 'U', 'A'] >>> list(RSVP_EXTRA.__names__.keys()) ['RSVP_Y', 'RSVP_N', 'RSVP_M', 'RSVP_U', 'RSVP_A', 'UNCERTAIN'] """ @classmethod def get(cls, key, default=None): return cls.__labels__.get(key, default) @classmethod def keys(cls): return list(cls.__labels__.keys()) @classmethod def values(cls): return list(cls.__labels__.values()) @classmethod def items(cls): return list(cls.__labels__.items()) @classmethod def value_for(cls, name): for key, value in list(cls.__labels__.items()): if isinstance(value, NameTitle) and == name: return key @classmethod def nametitles(cls): return [(name, title) for name, title in cls.values()]
[docs]class InspectableSet(Set): """ Given a set, mimics a read-only dictionary where the items are keys and have a value of ``True``, and any other key has a value of ``False``. Also supports attribute access. Useful in templates to simplify membership inspection:: >>> myset = InspectableSet({'member', 'other'}) >>> 'member' in myset True >>> 'random' in myset False >>> myset.member True >>> myset.random False >>> myset['member'] True >>> myset['random'] False >>> joinset = myset | {'added'} >>> isinstance(joinset, InspectableSet) True >>> joinset = joinset | InspectableSet({'inspectable'}) >>> isinstance(joinset, InspectableSet) True >>> 'member' in joinset True >>> 'other' in joinset True >>> 'added' in joinset True >>> 'inspectable' in joinset True >>> emptyset = InspectableSet() >>> len(emptyset) 0 """ def __init__(self, members=()): if not isinstance(members, Set): members = set(members) object.__setattr__(self, '_members', members) def __repr__(self): return 'InspectableSet({members})'.format(members=repr(self._members)) def __len__(self): return len(self._members) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._members def __iter__(self): for key in self._members: yield key def __getitem__(self, key): return key in self._members # Returns True if present, False otherwise def __getattr__(self, attr): return attr in self._members # Returns True if present, False otherwise def __setattr__(self, attr, value): raise AttributeError(attr)
[docs]class classmethodproperty(object): # NOQA: N801 """ Class method decorator to make class methods behave like properties:: >>> class Foo(object): ... @classmethodproperty ... def test(cls): ... return repr(cls) ... Works on classes:: >>> Foo.test "<class 'coaster.utils.classes.Foo'>" Works on class instances:: >>> Foo().test "<class 'coaster.utils.classes.Foo'>" Works on subclasses too:: >>> class Bar(Foo): ... pass ... >>> Bar.test "<class 'coaster.utils.classes.Bar'>" >>> Bar().test "<class 'coaster.utils.classes.Bar'>" Due to limitations in Python's descriptor API, :class:`classmethodproperty` can block write and delete access on an instance... :: >>> Foo().test = 'bar' Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: test is read-only >>> del Foo().test Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: test is read-only ...but not on the class itself:: >>> Foo.test = 'bar' >>> Foo.test 'bar' """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): if cls is None: cls = type(obj) return self.func(cls) def __set__(self, obj, value): raise AttributeError("%s is read-only" % self.func.__name__) def __delete__(self, obj): raise AttributeError("%s is read-only" % self.func.__name__)