Source code for coaster.utils.misc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Miscellaneous utilities

from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
import six
import six.moves.collections_abc as abc

from base64 import b64decode, b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode
from datetime import datetime
from email.header import decode_header
from functools import wraps
from random import SystemRandom
import binascii
import email.utils
import hashlib
import re
import time
import uuid

from unidecode import unidecode
import base58
import bcrypt
import tldextract

__all__ = [

# --- Common delimiters and punctuation ---------------------------------------

_strip_re = re.compile(u'[\'"`‘’“”′″‴]+')
_punctuation_re = re.compile(
    u'[\x00-\x1f +!#$%&()*\\-/<=>?@\\[\\\\\\]^_{|}:;,.…‒–—―«»]+'
_username_valid_re = re.compile('^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$')
_ipv4_re = re.compile(
_tag_re = re.compile('<.*?>')

# --- Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def is_collection(item): """ Returns True if the item is a collection class: list, tuple, set, frozenset or any other class that resembles one of these (using abstract base classes). >>> is_collection(0) False >>> is_collection(0.1) False >>> is_collection('') False >>> is_collection({}) False >>> is_collection({}.keys()) True >>> is_collection([]) True >>> is_collection(()) True >>> is_collection(set()) True >>> is_collection(frozenset()) True >>> from coaster.utils import InspectableSet >>> is_collection(InspectableSet({1, 2})) True """ return not isinstance(item, six.string_types) and isinstance( item, (abc.Set, abc.Sequence) )
[docs]def uuid_b64(): """ Return a new random id that is exactly 22 characters long, by encoding a UUID4 in URL-safe Base64. See >>> len(buid()) 22 >>> buid() == buid() False >>> isinstance(buid(), six.text_type) True """ return urlsafe_b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes).decode().rstrip('=')
#: Legacy name buid = uuid_b64
[docs]def uuid_b58(): """ Return a UUID4 encoded in base58 and rendered as a string. Will be 21 or 22 characters long >>> len(uuid_b58()) in (21, 22) True >>> uuid_b58() == uuid_b58() False >>> isinstance(uuid_b58(), six.text_type) True """ return base58.b58encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes).decode()
[docs]def uuid1mc(): """ Return a UUID1 with a random multicast MAC id. >>> isinstance(uuid1mc(), uuid.UUID) True """ return uuid.uuid1(node=uuid._random_getnode())
[docs]def uuid1mc_from_datetime(dt): """ Return a UUID1 with a random multicast MAC id and with a timestamp matching the given datetime object or timestamp value. .. warning:: This function does not consider the timezone, and is not guaranteed to return a unique UUID. Use under controlled conditions only. >>> dt = >>> u1 = uuid1mc() >>> u2 = uuid1mc_from_datetime(dt) >>> # Both timestamps should be very close to each other but not an exact match >>> u1.time > u2.time True >>> u1.time - u2.time < 5000 True >>> d2 = datetime.fromtimestamp((u2.time - 0x01b21dd213814000) * 100 / 1e9) >>> d2 == dt True """ fields = list(uuid1mc().fields) if isinstance(dt, datetime): timeval = time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) + dt.microsecond / 1e6 else: # Assume we got an actual timestamp timeval = dt # The following code is borrowed from the UUID module source: nanoseconds = int(timeval * 1e9) # 0x01b21dd213814000 is the number of 100-ns intervals between the # UUID epoch 1582-10-15 00:00:00 and the Unix epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00. timestamp = int(nanoseconds // 100) + 0x01B21DD213814000 time_low = timestamp & 0xFFFFFFFF time_mid = (timestamp >> 32) & 0xFFFF time_hi_version = (timestamp >> 48) & 0x0FFF fields[0] = time_low fields[1] = time_mid fields[2] = time_hi_version return uuid.UUID(fields=tuple(fields))
[docs]def uuid_to_base64(value): """ Convert a UUID object to a 22-char URL-safe Base64 string (BUID) >>> uuid_to_base64(uuid.UUID('33203dd2-f2ef-422f-aeb0-058d6f5f7089')) 'MyA90vLvQi-usAWNb19wiQ' """ return urlsafe_b64encode(value.bytes).decode().rstrip('=')
#: Legacy name uuid2buid = uuid_to_base64
[docs]def uuid_from_base64(value): """ Convert a 22-char URL-safe Base64 string (BUID) to a UUID object >>> uuid_from_base64('MyA90vLvQi-usAWNb19wiQ') UUID('33203dd2-f2ef-422f-aeb0-058d6f5f7089') """ return uuid.UUID(bytes=urlsafe_b64decode(str(value) + '=='))
#: Legacy name buid2uuid = uuid_from_base64
[docs]def uuid_to_base58(value): """ Render a UUID in Base58 and return as a string >>> uuid_to_base58(uuid.UUID('33203dd2-f2ef-422f-aeb0-058d6f5f7089')) '7KAmj837MyuJWUYPwtqAfz' >>> # The following UUID to Base58 encoding is from NPM uuid-base58, for comparison >>> uuid_to_base58(uuid.UUID('d7ce8475-e77c-43b0-9dde-56b428981999')) 'TedLUruK7MosG1Z88urTkk' """ return base58.b58encode(value.bytes).decode()
[docs]def uuid_from_base58(value): """ Convert a Base58-encoded UUID back into a UUID object >>> uuid_from_base58('7KAmj837MyuJWUYPwtqAfz') UUID('33203dd2-f2ef-422f-aeb0-058d6f5f7089') >>> # The following UUID to Base58 encoding is from NPM uuid-base58, for comparison >>> uuid_from_base58('TedLUruK7MosG1Z88urTkk') UUID('d7ce8475-e77c-43b0-9dde-56b428981999') """ return uuid.UUID(bytes=base58.b58decode(str(value)))
[docs]def newsecret(): """ Make a secret key for non-cryptographic use cases like email account verification. Mashes two UUID4s into a Base58 rendering, between 42 and 44 characters long. The resulting string consists of only ASCII strings and so will typically not be word-wrapped by email clients. >>> len(newsecret()) in (42, 43, 44) True >>> newsecret() == newsecret() False """ return uuid_b58() + uuid_b58()
[docs]def newpin(digits=4): """ Return a random numeric string with the specified number of digits, default 4. >>> len(newpin()) 4 >>> len(newpin(5)) 5 >>> newpin().isdigit() True """ random = SystemRandom() randnum = random.randint(0, 10 ** digits) # NOQA: S311 # nosec while len(str(randnum)) > digits: randnum = random.randint(0, 10 ** digits) # NOQA: S311 # nosec return (u'%%0%dd' % digits) % randnum
[docs]def make_name(text, delim=u'-', maxlength=50, checkused=None, counter=2): u""" Generate an ASCII name slug. If a checkused filter is provided, it will be called with the candidate. If it returns True, make_name will add counter numbers starting from 2 until a suitable candidate is found. :param string delim: Delimiter between words, default '-' :param int maxlength: Maximum length of name, default 50 :param checkused: Function to check if a generated name is available for use :param int counter: Starting position for name counter >>> make_name('This is a title') 'this-is-a-title' >>> make_name('Invalid URL/slug here') 'invalid-url-slug-here' >>> make_name('this.that') 'this-that' >>> make_name('this:that') 'this-that' >>> make_name("How 'bout this?") 'how-bout-this' >>> make_name(u"How’s that?") 'hows-that' >>> make_name(u'K & D') 'k-d' >>> make_name('billion+ pageviews') 'billion-pageviews' >>> make_name(u'हिन्दी slug!') 'hindii-slug' >>> make_name(u'Talk in español, Kiswahili, 廣州話 and অসমীয়া too.', maxlength=250) u'talk-in-espanol-kiswahili-guang-zhou-hua-and-asmiiyaa-too' >>> make_name(u'__name__', delim=u'_') 'name' >>> make_name(u'how_about_this', delim=u'_') 'how_about_this' >>> make_name(u'and-that', delim=u'_') 'and_that' >>> make_name(u'Umlauts in Mötörhead') 'umlauts-in-motorhead' >>> make_name('Candidate', checkused=lambda c: c in ['candidate']) 'candidate2' >>> make_name('Candidate', checkused=lambda c: c in ['candidate'], counter=1) 'candidate1' >>> make_name('Candidate', ... checkused=lambda c: c in ['candidate', 'candidate1', 'candidate2'], counter=1) 'candidate3' >>> make_name('Long title, but snipped', maxlength=20) 'long-title-but-snipp' >>> len(make_name('Long title, but snipped', maxlength=20)) 20 >>> make_name('Long candidate', maxlength=10, ... checkused=lambda c: c in ['long-candi', 'long-cand1']) 'long-cand2' >>> make_name(u'Lǝnkǝran') 'lankaran' >>> make_name(u'') 'example-example-com' >>> make_name('trailing-delimiter', maxlength=10) 'trailing-d' >>> make_name('trailing-delimiter', maxlength=9) 'trailing' >>> make_name('''test this ... newline''') 'test-this-newline' >>> make_name(u"testing an emoji😁") u'testing-an-emoji' >>> make_name('''testing\\t\\nmore\\r\\nslashes''') 'testing-more-slashes' >>> make_name('What if a HTML <tag/>') 'what-if-a-html-tag' >>> make_name('These are equivalent to \\x01 through \\x1A') 'these-are-equivalent-to-through' >>> make_name(u"feedback;\\x00") u'feedback' """ name = text.replace('@', delim) name = unidecode(name).replace( '@', 'a' ) # We don't know why unidecode uses '@' for 'a'-like chars name = six.text_type( delim.join( [ _strip_re.sub('', x) for x in _punctuation_re.split(name.lower()) if x != '' ] ) ) if isinstance(text, six.text_type): # Unidecode returns str. Restore to a unicode string if original was unicode name = six.text_type(name) candidate = name[:maxlength] if candidate.endswith(delim): candidate = candidate[:-1] if checkused is None: return candidate existing = checkused(candidate) while existing: candidate = name[: maxlength - len(str(counter))] + str(counter) counter += 1 existing = checkused(candidate) return candidate
[docs]def make_password(password, encoding='BCRYPT'): """ Make a password with PLAIN, SSHA or BCRYPT (default) encoding. >>> make_password('foo', encoding='PLAIN') '{PLAIN}foo' >>> make_password(u're-foo', encoding='SSHA')[:6] '{SSHA}' >>> make_password(u're-foo')[:8] '{BCRYPT}' >>> make_password('foo') == make_password('foo') False """ if encoding == 'PLAIN': if isinstance(password, str) and six.PY2: password = six.text_type(password, 'utf-8') return '{PLAIN}%s' % password elif encoding == 'SSHA': # SSHA is a modification of the SHA digest scheme with a salt # starting at byte 20 of the base64-encoded string. # Source: # This implementation is from Zope2's AccessControl.AuthEncoding. random = SystemRandom() salt = '' for n in range(7): salt += chr(random.randrange(256)) # NOQA: S311 # nosec # b64encode accepts only bytes in Python 3, so salt also has to be encoded salt = salt.encode('utf-8') if six.PY3 else salt if isinstance(password, six.text_type): password = password.encode('utf-8') else: password = str(password) b64_encoded = b64encode( hashlib.sha1( # NOQA: S303 # skipcq: PTC-W1003 # nosec password + salt ).digest() + salt ) b64_encoded = b64_encoded.decode('utf-8') if six.PY3 else b64_encoded return '{SSHA}%s' % b64_encoded elif encoding == 'BCRYPT': # BCRYPT is the recommended hash for secure passwords password_hashed = bcrypt.hashpw( password.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(password, six.text_type) else password, bcrypt.gensalt(), ) if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover password_hashed = password_hashed.decode('utf-8') return '{BCRYPT}%s' % password_hashed raise ValueError("Unknown encoding %s" % encoding)
[docs]def check_password(reference, attempt): """ Compare a reference password with the user attempt. >>> check_password('{PLAIN}foo', 'foo') True >>> check_password(u'{PLAIN}bar', 'bar') True >>> check_password(u'{UNKNOWN}baz', 'baz') False >>> check_password(u'no-encoding', u'no-encoding') False >>> check_password(u'{SSHA}q/uVU8r15k/9QhRi92CWUwMJu2DM6TUSpp25', u're-foo') True >>> check_password(u'{BCRYPT}$2b$12$NfKivgz7njR3/rWZ56EsDe7..PPum.fcmFLbdkbP.' ... 'chtMTcS1s01C', 'foo') True """ if reference.startswith(u'{PLAIN}'): if reference[7:] == attempt: return True elif reference.startswith(u'{SSHA}'): # In python3 b64decode takes inputtype as bytes as opposed to str in python 2, # and returns binascii.Error as opposed to TypeError if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover try: if isinstance(reference, six.text_type): ref = b64decode(reference[6:].encode('utf-8')) else: ref = b64decode(reference[6:]) except binascii.Error: return False # Not Base64 else: # pragma: no cover try: ref = b64decode(reference[6:]) except TypeError: return False # Not Base64 if isinstance(attempt, six.text_type): attempt = attempt.encode('utf-8') salt = ref[20:] b64_encoded = b64encode( hashlib.sha1( # NOQA: S303 # skipcq: PTC-W1003 # nosec attempt + salt ).digest() + salt ) if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover # type(b64_encoded) is bytes and can't be compared with type(reference) # which is str compare = six.text_type( '{SSHA}%s' % b64_encoded.decode('utf-8') if type(b64_encoded) is bytes else b64_encoded ) else: # pragma: no cover compare = six.text_type('{SSHA}%s' % b64_encoded) return compare == reference elif reference.startswith(u'{BCRYPT}'): # bcrypt.hashpw() accepts either a unicode encoded string or the basic string # (python 2) if isinstance(attempt, six.text_type) or isinstance(reference, six.text_type): attempt = attempt.encode('utf-8') reference = reference.encode('utf-8') if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover return bcrypt.hashpw(attempt, reference[8:]) == reference[8:] else: # pragma: no cover return ( bcrypt.hashpw( attempt.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(attempt, six.text_type) else attempt, str(reference[8:]), ) == reference[8:] ) return False
[docs]def format_currency(value, decimals=2): """ Return a number suitably formatted for display as currency, with thousands separated by commas and up to two decimal points. >>> format_currency(1000) '1,000' >>> format_currency(100) '100' >>> format_currency(999.95) '999.95' >>> format_currency(99.95) '99.95' >>> format_currency(100000) '100,000' >>> format_currency(1000.00) '1,000' >>> format_currency(1000.41) '1,000.41' >>> format_currency(23.21, decimals=3) '23.210' >>> format_currency(1000, decimals=3) '1,000' >>> format_currency(123456789.123456789) '123,456,789.12' """ number, decimal = ((u'%%.%df' % decimals) % value).split(u'.') parts = [] while len(number) > 3: part, number = number[-3:], number[:-3] parts.append(part) parts.append(number) parts.reverse() if int(decimal) == 0: return u','.join(parts) else: return u','.join(parts) + u'.' + decimal
[docs]def md5sum(data): """ Return md5sum of data as a 32-character string. >>> md5sum('random text') 'd9b9bec3f4cc5482e7c5ef43143e563a' >>> md5sum(u'random text') 'd9b9bec3f4cc5482e7c5ef43143e563a' >>> len(md5sum('random text')) 32 """ if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover return hashlib.md5( # NOQA: S303 # skipcq: PTC-W1003 # nosec data.encode('utf-8') ).hexdigest() else: # pragma: no cover return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() # NOQA: S303 # skipcq: PTC-W1003 # nosec
[docs]def getbool(value): """ Returns a boolean from any of a range of values. Returns None for unrecognized values. Numbers other than 0 and 1 are considered unrecognized. >>> getbool(True) True >>> getbool(1) True >>> getbool('1') True >>> getbool('t') True >>> getbool(2) >>> getbool(0) False >>> getbool(False) False >>> getbool('n') False """ value = str(value).lower() if value in ['1', 't', 'true', 'y', 'yes']: return True elif value in ['0', 'f', 'false', 'n', 'no']: return False return None
[docs]def nullint(value): """ Return int(value) if bool(value) is not False. Return None otherwise. Useful for coercing optional values to an integer. >>> nullint('10') 10 >>> nullint('') is None True """ return int(value) if value else None
[docs]def nullstr(value): """ Return unicode(value) if bool(value) is not False. Return None otherwise. Useful for coercing optional values to a string. >>> nullstr(10) == '10' True >>> nullstr('') is None True """ return six.text_type(value) if value else None
nullunicode = nullstr # XXX: Deprecated name. Remove soon.
[docs]def require_one_of(_return=False, **kwargs): """ Validator that raises :exc:`TypeError` unless one and only one parameter is not ``None``. Use this inside functions that take multiple parameters, but allow only one of them to be specified:: def my_func(this=None, that=None, other=None): # Require one and only one of `this` or `that` require_one_of(this=this, that=that) # If we need to know which parameter was passed in: param, value = require_one_of(True, this=this, that=that) # Carry on with function logic pass :param _return: Return the matching parameter :param kwargs: Parameters, of which one and only one is mandatory :return: If `_return`, matching parameter name and value :rtype: tuple :raises TypeError: If the count of parameters that aren't ``None`` is not 1 """ # Two ways to count number of non-None parameters: # # 1. sum([1 if v is not None else 0 for v in kwargs.values()]) # # Using a list comprehension instead of a generator comprehension as the # parameter to `sum` is faster on both Python 2 and 3. # # 2. len(kwargs) - kwargs.values().count(None) # # This is 2x faster than the first method under Python 2.7. Unfortunately, # it doesn't work in Python 3 because `kwargs.values()` is a view that doesn't # have a `count` method. It needs to be cast into a tuple/list first, but # remains faster despite the cast's slowdown. Tuples are faster than lists. if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover count = len(kwargs) - tuple(kwargs.values()).count(None) else: # pragma: no cover count = len(kwargs) - kwargs.values().count(None) if count == 0: raise TypeError( "One of these parameters is required: " + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()) ) if count != 1: raise TypeError( "Only one of these parameters is allowed: " + ', '.join(kwargs.keys()) ) if _return: keys, values = zip(*[(k, 1 if v is not None else 0) for k, v in kwargs.items()]) k = keys[values.index(1)] return k, kwargs[k]
[docs]def unicode_http_header(value): r""" Convert an ASCII HTTP header string into a unicode string with the appropriate encoding applied. Expects headers to be RFC 2047 compliant. >>> unicode_http_header('=?iso-8859-1?q?p=F6stal?=') == u'p\xf6stal' True >>> unicode_http_header(b'=?iso-8859-1?q?p=F6stal?=') == u'p\xf6stal' True >>> unicode_http_header('p\xf6stal') == u'p\xf6stal' True """ if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover # email.header.decode_header expects strings, not bytes. Your input data may be # in bytes. Since these bytes are almost always ASCII, calling `.decode()` on # it without specifying a charset should work fine. if isinstance(value, six.binary_type): value = value.decode() return u''.join( six.text_type(s, e or 'iso-8859-1') if not isinstance(s, six.text_type) else s for s, e in decode_header(value) )
[docs]def get_email_domain(emailaddr): """ Return the domain component of an email address. Returns None if the provided string cannot be parsed as an email address. >>> get_email_domain('') '' >>> get_email_domain('') '' >>> get_email_domain('Example Address <>') '' >>> get_email_domain('foobar') >>> get_email_domain('foobar@') >>> get_email_domain('@foobar') """ realname, address = email.utils.parseaddr(emailaddr) try: username, domain = address.split('@') if not username: return None return domain or None except ValueError: return None
[docs]def valid_username(candidate): """ Check if a username is valid. >>> valid_username('example person') False >>> valid_username('example_person') False >>> valid_username('exampleperson') True >>> valid_username('example-person') True >>> valid_username('a') True >>> (valid_username('a-') or valid_username('ab-') or valid_username('-a') or ... valid_username('-ab')) False """ return not is None
[docs]def namespace_from_url(url): """ Construct a dotted namespace string from a URL. """ parsed = urlparse(url) if ( parsed.hostname is None or parsed.hostname in ['localhost', 'localhost.localdomain'] or ( ): return None namespace = parsed.hostname.split('.') namespace.reverse() if namespace and not namespace[0]: namespace.pop(0) if namespace and namespace[-1] == 'www': namespace.pop(-1) return type(url)('.'.join(namespace))
[docs]def base_domain_matches(d1, d2): """ Check if two domains have the same base domain, using the Public Suffix List. >>> base_domain_matches('', '') True >>> base_domain_matches('', '') True >>> base_domain_matches('', '') False >>> base_domain_matches('', '') False >>> base_domain_matches('', '') True >>> base_domain_matches('', '') True """ r1 = tldextract.extract(d1) r2 = tldextract.extract(d2) # r1 and r2 contain subdomain, domain and suffix. # We want to confirm that domain and suffix match. return r1.domain == r2.domain and r1.suffix == r2.suffix
[docs]def domain_namespace_match(domain, namespace): """ Checks if namespace is related to the domain because the base domain matches. >>> domain_namespace_match('', 'com.hasgeek') True >>> domain_namespace_match('', 'com.hasgeek.funnel') True >>> domain_namespace_match('', 'com.hasgeek.peopleflow') True >>> domain_namespace_match('', 'com.hasgeek.peopleflow') False >>> domain_namespace_match('peopleflow.local', 'local.peopleflow') True """ return base_domain_matches(domain, ".".join(namespace.split(".")[::-1]))
[docs]def nary_op(f, doc=None): """ Decorator to convert a binary operator into a chained n-ary operator. """ @wraps(f) def inner(lhs, *others): for other in others: lhs = f(lhs, other) return lhs if doc is not None: inner.__doc__ = doc return inner