Source code for coaster.views.misc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Miscellaneous view helpers

Helper functions for view handlers.

All items in this module can be imported directly from :mod:`coaster.views`.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit

import re

from flask import Response, current_app, json, request
from flask import session as request_session
from flask import url_for
from werkzeug.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed, NotFound
from werkzeug.routing import RequestRedirect

__all__ = ['get_current_url', 'get_next_url', 'jsonp', 'endpoint_for']

__jsoncallback_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z$_][0-9a-z$_]*$', re.I)

def _index_url():
    if request:
        return request.script_root or '/'
        return '/'

def _clean_external_url(url):
    if url.startswith(('http://', 'https://', '//')):
        # Do the domains and ports match?
        pnext = urlsplit(url)
        preq = urlsplit(request.url)
        if pnext.port != preq.port:
            return ''
        if not (
            pnext.hostname == preq.hostname
            or pnext.hostname.endswith('.' + preq.hostname)
            return ''
    return url

[docs]def get_current_url(): """ Return the current URL including the query string as a relative path. If the app uses subdomains, return an absolute path """ if current_app.config.get('SERVER_NAME') and ( # Check current hostname against server name, ignoring port numbers, if any # (split on ':') request.environ['HTTP_HOST'].split(':', 1)[0] != current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'].split(':', 1)[0] ): return request.url url = url_for(request.endpoint, **request.view_args) query = request.query_string if query: return url + '?' + query.decode() else: return url
__marker = object()
[docs]def get_next_url(referrer=False, external=False, session=False, default=__marker): """ Get the next URL to redirect to. Don't return external URLs unless explicitly asked for. This is to protect the site from being an unwitting redirector to external URLs. Subdomains are okay, however. This function looks for a ``next`` parameter in the request or in the session (depending on whether parameter ``session`` is True). If no ``next`` is present, it checks the referrer (if enabled), and finally returns either the provided default (which can be any value including ``None``) or the script root (typically ``/``). """ if session: next_url = request_session.pop('next', None) or request.args.get('next', '') else: next_url = request.args.get('next', '') if next_url and not external: next_url = _clean_external_url(next_url) if next_url: return next_url if default is __marker: usedefault = False else: usedefault = True if referrer and request.referrer: if external: return request.referrer else: return _clean_external_url(request.referrer) or ( default if usedefault else _index_url() ) else: return default if usedefault else _index_url()
[docs]def jsonp(*args, **kw): """ Returns a JSON response with a callback wrapper, if asked for. Consider using CORS instead, as JSONP makes the client app insecure. See the :func:`~coaster.views.decorators.cors` decorator. """ data = json.dumps(dict(*args, **kw), indent=2) callback = request.args.get('callback', request.args.get('jsonp')) if callback and is not None: data = callback + u'(' + data + u');' mimetype = 'application/javascript' else: mimetype = 'application/json' return Response(data, mimetype=mimetype)
[docs]def endpoint_for(url, method=None, return_rule=False, follow_redirects=True): """ Given an absolute URL, retrieve the matching endpoint name (or rule) and view arguments. Requires a current request context to determine runtime environment. :param str method: HTTP method to use (defaults to GET) :param bool return_rule: Return the URL rule instead of the endpoint name :param bool follow_redirects: Follow redirects to final endpoint :return: Tuple of endpoint name or URL rule or `None`, view arguments """ parsed_url = urlsplit(url) if not parsed_url.netloc: # We require an absolute URL return None, {} # Take the current runtime environment... environ = dict(request.environ) # ...but replace the HTTP host with the URL's host... environ['HTTP_HOST'] = parsed_url.netloc # ...and the path with the URL's path (after discounting the app path, if not # hosted at root). environ['PATH_INFO'] = parsed_url.path[len(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')) :] # Create a new request with this environment... url_request = current_app.request_class(environ) # ...and a URL adapter with the new request. url_adapter = current_app.create_url_adapter(url_request) # Run three hostname tests, one of which must pass: # 1. Does the URL map have host matching enabled? If so, the URL adapter will # validate the hostname. if current_app.url_map.host_matching: pass # 2. If not, does the domain match? url_adapter.server_name will prefer # app.config['SERVER_NAME'], but if that is not specified, it will take it from the # environment. elif parsed_url.netloc == url_adapter.server_name: pass # 3. If subdomain matching is enabled, does the subdomain match? elif current_app.subdomain_matching and parsed_url.netloc.endswith( '.' + url_adapter.server_name ): pass # If no test passed, we don't have a matching endpoint. else: return None, {} # Now retrieve the endpoint or rule, watching for redirects or resolution failures try: return url_adapter.match(parsed_url.path, method, return_rule=return_rule) except RequestRedirect as r: # A redirect typically implies `/folder` -> `/folder/` # This will not be a redirect response from a view, since the view isn't being # called if follow_redirects: return endpoint_for( r.new_url, method=method, return_rule=return_rule, follow_redirects=follow_redirects, ) except (NotFound, MethodNotAllowed): pass # If we got here, no endpoint was found. return None, {}